Om Naprapati

Naprapatien ble grunnlagt 1907 av Dr. Oakley Smith (1880-1967).Smith var utdannet kiropraktor, men gikk tidlig bort fra subluxationensteorien (at ryggvirvlene hopper ut av ledd). Han mente at det var forkortning eller skade av connective tissue (støtte og bindevev), ikke subluksasjoner, som var årsaken til smertetilstander og endret bevegelsesfunksjon i såvel ryggradens ledd som i de perifere leddene.
Smith utviklet et spesifikt system for å behandle, samt et system for å kartlegge og dokumentere undersøkelsesfunn basert på de nye teoriene.
Smiths teknikker var også påvirket av manuelle teknikker han hadde lært seg under en studiereise til Europa, til Bøhmen (Tsjekkia). Han oppsøkte etter reisen bøhmiske utvandrere i USA for å lære mer om deres behandlingsmetoder som var kalt napravit.I ca 1905 flyttet Smith til Chicago og ga behandlingsformen navnet naprapati, av det tsjekkiske ordet ”napravit” som betyr å korrigere. Endelsen ”pati” kommer av det greske ordet ”pathos”, som betyr lidelse.
            Naprapati skulle bety ”å korrigere årsak til lidelse”.

I 1970 startet den første naprapaten i Sverige, Bjørn Jönson Berg, Naprapathögskolan i Stockholm. Han hadde sin bakgrunn fra sine naprapatstudier i Chicago hvor en av hans lærere var selveste Oakley Smith. Naprapatutdannelsen i Stockholm preges av det brede synet på oppkomsten av muskel- og skjelettsystemets plager som Smith grunnla med sin forskning om connective tissue. Denne måten å se det på, kombinert med åpenhet for ny forskning ledet til en kraftig utvikling av virksomhetsområdet naprapati. Det å ikke bare behandle symptomene, men å søke årsaken til pasientens problem, slik som for Smith gjorde, har hele tiden vært sentralt. Dette har ledet til at naprapatene har et bredt behandlingsarsenal der behandlingsteknikker som manipulasjon og mobilisering kombineres med mykdelsteknikker som massasje og tøyning.Den første naprapaten begynte i Norge på begynnelsen av 1980-tallet.
                    Norges naprapatforbund ble etablert i 1993. Året etter, i 1994, fikk naprapatene autorisasjon i Sverige og Finland. Som det framgår av historikken er naprapati ikke noe nytt påfunn, eller oppstått som en blanding av forskjellige behandlingsformer, men har alltid vært et eget selvstendig yrke, som i utgangspunktet har hatt sitt eget diagnostiske system og egne behandlingsteknikker.

Visste du at?

  1. Naprapatutdannelsen er et fire års heltidsstudium og ett ekstra år med praksis for å oppnå godkjenning i Sverige. 50% av utdannelsen består av vanlig skolemedisin og 50% består av spesialisering innen naprapatiens områder.
  2. Naprapati er en over 100 år gammel behandlingsform.
  3. I Sverige er naprapati den vanligste behandlingsformen innen manuell medisin og over 1,5 millioner behandlinger utføres hvert år.
  4. Naprapati betyr «å korrigere årsak til lidelse»
  5. Naprapaten har et bredt behandlingsarsenal som mobilisering, manipulasjon, massage, triggerpunksbehandling, nålebehandling, treningsrehab m.m.
  6.  De siste årene har det blitt gjennomført flere studier som viser en svært god effekt av naprapatbehandlingen som en helhet.

Nyere Forskning som er gjort om Naprapati eller gjort av Naprapater

  • Asker M, Holm L.W, Källberg H et al.
    Female adolescent elite handball players are more susceptible to shoulder problems than their male counterparts. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2018;10. doi: 10.1007/s00167-018-4857-y. [Epub ahead of print]
    PMID: 29427220
  • Asker M, Waldén M, Källberg H, Holm LW, Skillgate E.
    A prospective cohort study identifying risk factors for shoulder injuries in adolescent elite handball players: The Karolinska Handball Study (KHAST) study protocol. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2017;18:485.
    PMID: 29166930
  • Johansson FR, Skillgate E, Adolfsson A, Jenner G, De Bri E, Swärd L, Cools AM.
    Asymptomatic elite young tennis players show lateral and ventral growth plate alterations of proximal humerus on MRI. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2016 Feb 5. [Epub ahead of print]
    PMID: 26850513
  • Cools AM, Borms D, Castelein B, Vanderstukken F, Johansson FR.
    Evidence-based rehabilitation of athletes with glenohumeral instability. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2016 Feb;24(2):382-9. doi: 10.1007/s00167-015-3940-x. Epub 2015 Dec 24.
    PMID: 26704789
  • Johansson FR, Skillgate E, Adolfsson A, Jenner G, DeBri E, Swärdh L, Cools AM.
    Asymptomatic Elite Adolescent Tennis Players’ Signs of Tendinosis in Their Dominant Shoulder Compared With Their Nondominant Shoulder. J Athl Train. 2015 Dec;50(12):1299-305. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-51.1.07. Epub 2015 Dec 10.
    PMID: 26651279
  • Cools AM, Johansson FR, Borms D, Maenhout A.
    Prevention of shoulder injuries in overhead athletes: a science-based approach. Braz J Phys Ther. 2015 Sep-Oct;19(5):331-9. doi: 10.1590/bjpt-rbf.2014.0109. Epub 2015 Sep 1.
    PMID: 26537804
  • Eriksson A, Johansson FR, Bäck M.
    Reliability and criterion-related validity of the 20-yard shuttle test in competitive junior tennis players. Open Access J Sports Med. 2015 Aug 14;6:269-76. doi: 10.2147/OAJSM.S86442. eCollection 2015.
    PMID: 26316829
  • Johansson FR, Skillgate E, Lapauw ML, Clijmans D, Deneulin VP, Palmans T, Engineer HK, Cools AM.
    Measuring Eccentric Strength of the Shoulder External Rotators Using a Handheld Dynamometer: Reliability and Validity. J Athl Train. 2015 Jul;50(7):719-25. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-49.3.72. Epub 2015 May 14.
    PMID: 25974381
  • Paanalahti K, Wertli MM, Held U, Holm LW, Åkerstedt T, Nordin M, Skillgate E.
    Spinal pain – good sleep matters: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. European Spine Journal. May 2015.
  • Johansson F, Skillgate E, Adolfsson A, Jenner G, DeBri E, Swärdh L, Cools A.
    Asymptomatic elite adolescent tennis players show tendinosis signs on their dominant shoulder compared to their non-dominant. Journal of Athletic Training. April 2015.
  • Lilje SC, Skillgate E, Anderberg P, Berglund J.
    Negative psychosocial and heavy physical work loads associated with musculoskeletal pain interfering with normal life in older adults: Cross sectional analysis. Scan J Public Health. March 2015.
  • Bohman T, Alfredsson L, Jensen I, Hallqvist J, Vingård E, Skillgate E.
    Does healthy lifestyle behavior influence the prognosis of low back pain among men and women in a general population? A population based cohort study. BMJ Open. 2014 Dec 30;4(12):e005713. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005713.
  • Asker M, Marthinsen M, Kielich T, Skillgate E.
    Shoulder function changes among elite level handball players during a handball season. J of Sports Science and Medicine in Sports 18S (2014) e136 – e162 (Congress abstract)
  • Asker M, Ravnanger J, Bjornstad T, Skillgate E.
    Correlation between neck motor control impairment and shoulder pain in elite male handball players. J of Sports Science and Medicine in Sports 18S (2014) e72 – e107 (Congress abstract)
  • Lilje S, Genberg M, Aldudjaili H, Skillgate E.
    Pain relief in a young female with Adhesive capsulitis after manual manipulation of the Acromioclavicular joint for remaining symptoms after mobilization under anaesthesia. BMJ Case Rep. 2014 Nov 9;2014. pii: bcr2014207199. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2014-207199.
  • Tranaeus U, Johnson U, Engström B, Skillgate E, Werner S.
    Sports injury prevention in Swedish elite floorball players: evaluation of two consecutive floorball seasons. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014 Nov 2. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Rasmussen-Barr E, Grooten WJA , Hallqvist J, Holm LW, Skillgate E.
    Are job Strain and Sleep Disturbances Prognostic Factors for Neck/Shoulder/Arm pain? A Cohort Study of a General Population of Working Age in Sweden. BMJ Open. 2014 Jul 8;4(7):e005103. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005103.
  • Tranaeus U, Johnson U, Engström B, Skillgate E, Werner S.
    A psychological injury prevention group intervention in Swedish floorball. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014 Jun 17. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Palmlöf L, Côté P, Holm L W, Carroll L J, Cassidy J D, Skillgate E.
    Are prevalent self-reported cardiovascular disorders associated with delayed recovery from whiplash-associated disorders: a population-based cohort study. Clinical J Pain, 2014 May 7 [Epub ahead of print]
    PMID: 24810649
  • Johansson F, Cools A, Skillgate E.
    Measuring eccentric strength of the shoulder external rotators using a hand-held dynamometer: reliability and validity. (Congress abstract)
    Br J Sports Med. 2014 Apr;48(7):612. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2014-093494.141.
    PMID: 25974381
  • Johansson F, Debri E, Swärdh L, Cools A, Adolfsson A, Jenner G, Skillgate E.
    MRI findings in the shoulder of completely asymptomatic adolescent elite tennis players.
    Br J Sports Med. 2014 Apr;48(7):612. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2014-093494.142. (Congress abstract)
    PMID: 24620183
  • Paanalahti KJ, Holm LW, Nordin M, Asker M, Lyander J, Skilllgate E.
    Adverse events after manual therapy among patients seeking care for neck and/or back pain. A randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014 Mar 12;15(1):77. [Epub ahead of print].
  • Johansson F, Skillgate E, Lapauw M, Clijmans D, Deneulin V, Palmans T, Cools A
    Measuring eccentric strength of the shoulder external rotators using a hand-held dynamometer: reliability and validity. Journal of Athletic Training, January 2014.
  • Tranaeus U, Johnson U, Engström B, Skillgate E, Werner S.
    Psychological antecedents of overuse injuries in Swedish elite floorball players. Athletic insight, November 2013.
  • Paanalahti K, Holm LW, Magnusson C, Carroll L, Nordin M, Skillgate E.
    The sex specific interrelationship between spinal pain and psychological distress across time in the general population. Results from the Stockholm Public health Study. Spine J. 2013 Nov 19. pii: S1529-9430(13)01730-0. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2013.11.017. [Epub ahead of print]
    PMID: 24262854
  • Lilje S, Tessem Tangen S, Kåsamoen S, Persson U, Skillgate E.
    Costs and utilities of manual therapy and orthopaedic standard care for low prioritized orthopaedic outpatients in working age. A cost consequence analysis. Clin J Pain. 2013 Sep 21. [Epub ahead of print].
    PMID: 4042345
  • Andersson L, Apelby-Albrecht M, Woldseth K I, Kristian K, Skillgate E, Josephson A
    Concordance between the Upper Limb Neurodynamic Tests with Medical Examination and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Cervical Radiculopathy – a diagnostic cohort study. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2013 Nov-Dec;36(9):626-32. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2013.07.007. Epub 2013 Oct 23.
    PMID: 24161389
  • Rasmussen-Barr E, Bohman T, Hallqvist J, Holm LW, Skillgate E.
    Do physical activity level and body mass index predict recovery from persistent neck pain in men and women of working age? A population-based cohort study. Eur Spine J. 2013 Sep;22(9):2077-83. doi: 10.1007/s00586-013-2801-x. Epub 2013 May 8.
    PMID: 23653132
  • Bohman T, Alfredsson L, Hallqvist J, Vingård E, Skillgate E.
    The influence of self-reported leisure time physical activity and the body mass index on recovery from persistent back pain among men and women: A population-based cohort study. BMC Public Health. 2013 Apr 25;13(1):385. [Epub ahead of print]
    PMID: 23617707
  • Bohman T, Côté P, Boyle E, Cassidy JD, Carroll LJ, Skillgate E.
    Prognosis of patients with whiplash-associated disorders consulting physiotherapy: development of a predictive model for recovery. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2012 Dec 29;13:264. doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-13-264.
    PMID: 3273330
  • Skillgate E, Magnusson C, Lundberg M, Hallqvist J.
    The age and gender specific occurrence of troublesome neck pain in the general population – results from the Stockholm Public Health Cohort. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2012 Sep 24;13:185. doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-13-185.
    PMID: 23006655
  • Palmlöf L, Skillgate E, Alfredsson L, Vingård E, Magnusson C, Lundberg M, Holm LW.
    Does income matter for troublesome neck pain? -A population based study on risk and prognosis. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2012 Nov;66(11):1063-70. doi: 10.1136/jech-2011-200783. Epub 2012 Mar 12.
    PMID:224 12154
  • Glad D, Skillgate E, Holm LW.
    The occurrence and severity of musculoskeletal disorders in Swedish military personnel during peacekeeping operations in Afghanistan. Eur Spine J. 2012 Apr;21(4):739-44. doi: 10.1007/s00586-011-2142-6. Epub 2012 Jan 7.
    PMID: 22228552
  • Lilje S, Friberg H, Wykman A, Skillgate E .
    Naprapathic Manual Therapy or Conventional Orthopedic Care for Outpatients on Orthopedic Waiting Lists?: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. Clin J Pain. 2010 Jul 15.
    PMID: 20639734
  • Crutebo S, Nilsson C, Skillgate E, Holm LW.
    The Symptom Course for Whiplash-Associated Disorders (WAD) in Sweden: A Six Months Follow-up Study. J Rheumatol. 2010 Jul;37(7):1527-33. Epub 2010 May 15.
    PMID: 20472922
  • Skillgate E, Bohman T, Holm LW, Vingård E, Alfredsson L.
    The long-term effects of naprapathic manual therapy on back and neck pain – results from a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2010 Feb 5;11:26.
    PMID: 20137063
  • Skillgate E, Vingård E, Josephson M, Holm LW, Alfredsson L.
    Is smoking and alcohol consumption associated with long-term sick leave due to unspecific back or neck pain among employees in the public sector? Results of a three-year follow-up cohort study. J Rehabil Med. 2009 Jun;41(7):550-6.
    PMID: 19543666
  • Skillgate E, Vingård E, Alfredsson L.
    Naprapathic manual therapy or evidence-based care for back and neck pain. A randomized, controlled trial. Clinical J of Pain, 2007, 23, 431-9.
    PMID: 17515742
  • Skillgate E, Vingård E, Josephson M, Theorell T, Alfredsson L.
    The role of coping style in the onset of a new episode of low back and neck/ shoulder pain. Results from the Swedish MUSIC-Norrtälje case-control study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 2007, 76, 253-55.
    PMID: 17570967
  • Skillgate E, Vingård E, Josephson M, Theorell T, Alfredsson L.
    Life events and the risk of low back and neck/shoulder pain of the kind people are seeking care for: Results from the MUSIC-Norrtälje case-control study. J Epidemiol Community Health, 2007, 61, 356-61.
    PMID: 17372298

Asker M, Holm L.W, Källberg H et al.

Female adolescent elite handball players are more susceptible to shoulder problems than their male counterparts. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2018;10. doi: 10.1007/s00167-018-4857-y. [Epub ahead of print]

PMID: 29427220

Asker M, Waldén M, Källberg H, Holm LW, Skillgate E.

A prospective cohort study identifying risk factors for shoulder injuries in adolescent elite handball players: The Karolinska Handball Study (KHAST) study protocol. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2017;18:485.

PMID: 29166930